SeekingArrangements, Etc..?

Has anyone here gone on SeekingArrangements and other related sites? Have you ever met up with any potential clientele from there? I know it isn't designed for directly cam purposes, but I'm curious about trying to go on a date and see if it goes somewhere.

Any thoughts, tips, and stories would be well appreciated!
I've had a seeking profile more or less since the site began, I'm going to say 14/15 years and I would say it's at least 90% scammers/wannabes.

Over that entire time 4 people have got as far as having my phone number, 3 of those went to intro coffee in a very public place, 1 went to a handful of paid dinners and 1 ended up being a 6 month arrangement where I was paid through the guys company as a "marketing consultant".

I used to escort so I've got a 6th sense when it comes to weeding out BS. A lot of guys offer things that sound way too good to be true and you can end up wasting loads of time indulging them.

Good luck, there are genuine guys out there. My dinner date guy in particular was just the sweetest, interesting guy and just wanted company for veggie dinners while his wife was working abroad.