self-employed models


Sr. Member
Hello :)

Is there anyone else here declared as self employed in this line of work?

I am, in France, we have a category for "phone sex / adult website worker" (auto-entrepreneure/catégorie commerce).

How does it work in your country? Are you happily declared, and pay your camgirl taxes?


Hero Member
I recently registered as self employed in the U.K. as i was starting to earn more from camming than my vanilla job. I think I described my line of work as internet streaming and content creator.
I’ll be declaring all incomings and I’ll sure as hell be claiming back expenses for everything in front of and behind the camera. Cameras, computing, Photoshop and Filmora, DMCA, phone, internet, heating, electricity, lingerie, sextoys, stockings, shoes, makeup, wigs, backdrops, banking fees etc.