Skin conditions and acne (new camgirl)


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I struggle with acne throughout my body but I'm not as worried about it as I am about my skin condition (psoriasis)... I have it on my scalp so I am always able to hide it but in the past year it has created a patch on my forehead. I am a little worried that it might spread more over time. Should I be human about it on cam or should I just try to hide it?


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We all probably have some insecurities. My legs are a hot mess with eczema, (I wear pantyhose) I have a huge non cancerous bump on my arm, I have a facial mole above my eyebrow that someone made fun of, I am not in my 20’s 30’s nor my 40’s , I could rip my body apart. (Lol) HOWEVER, I have gorgeous hair, a beautiful face, and a filthy mouth. That is where my confidence is focused. Focus on the positive beautiful ... if they want a perfect woman they can go look at pictures of photo shopped women.