skype resolvers and IP


Full Member
I have always been on forums , but in silence, just reading. And now i will try to change that in being also a participant, as i read advice from all of you, i also hope i can help you all.

So, the other day i was searching the web about the skype problems about the IP wich is so easy tracable while using skype.
Your IP is not only tracable when chatting or having contact first wich someone, this is what i read on the web,wich netstat in windows someone is able to trace it(didnot work for me, as i am not that great with computers) just having send a request to you, or calling you, or after sending you a chat.
This you can prevend by using hotspotshield(i use this one, there are more types of programs but, google it and you will see what is best for you, if you know something better,please tell me also!!! thanks in advance!)

Then there is the next problem, the skype resolvers. When i found out about this, i had a panic attack....just by someones skype id, it will show the IP
Skyperesolver(one of them): MostwantedHF - Skype Resolver
Now skype finally did something about it, and you will read how to prevent them tracing you here:

So it works against us, because if you are not carefull, a DDOS attack is made easy for alot of idiots out there.

Now i also think it is helpfull in some way, to find out about the clients adding/chatting to us, because we can see if he is honest about where he lives, or also hides his ip very well, wich i normally do not trust in that case, because why is he hiding it , if he just wants a show with us. On the other side, i also think someone would hide it being a client , to prevent a girl blackmailing him or something, even if that happends less, its more the case of people trying to screw with our business in stead of us trying to screw them over.

I really hope this was usefull for everybody, and i hope i explained myself good, and i really really REALLY hope i do not look like an idiot Smiley (zip)and that it was something wich you already knew.........