Slow room what you do?


Full Member
Hi!! I always have slow day in the week... I split cam on 2-3 website at same time. But doesn't work that much. And lay down on the bed for 6h is quite hard.. and I try to keep myself busy watching a movie or do some games... Because the traffic that I get is like 1-2 guy every 30 minutes that log in and ask things for free, If I try to tease them they became just rude and keep asking freethings.

What you do when you have day like that? Do you stay online even if there is no traffic?
When I have this day I try to be online minimum 4h and then I just log off.


Jr. Member
If I see doesn’t have to much traffic I just log off and I will be in the sites that don’t need to be in free so like that I can do all my house work and if I get calls it’s good if not I don’t loose my day online