Soft Protest Against ManyVids for Oversaturation of Contests


Jr. Member
Hello everyone!

I wanted to drop a line here and give everyone some insight into what is going on with the MV Community Awards (2021) and why you've probably seen quite a few entries stating "Community Over Contests!"

A group of performers on ManyVids has come together to peacefully protests the oversaturation of contests, unfair contest payout percentages, disagreement with allocation of extra funds towards content, and many other things that currently happen on ManyVids. The protest is taking place within the MV Community Awards, where models are entering the awards with a photo stating "Porn Shouldn't Be a Contest" or "Porn Isn't a Contest" with "Community Over Contests" within their description. The protest is also being voiced actively on Twitter, where you can use the #CommunityOverContests hashtag to voice your opinion on why you are entering the protest and check out and support other performers who are participating.

The ManyVids Community Awards are taking place from June 25th-July 5th, but the protest has already begun as the contest page is currently active and many people have taken to social media to share their thoughts. If the purpose behind the protest resonates with you, feel free to participate!
