Sorry I haven't been on recently. HUGE NEWS!


Sr. Member
I'm pregnant! Though we were shocked (since I was on BC) and slightly upset at first, we've warmed up to the idea and are getting excited about this little fetus inside me.

However, it's causing quite a confusion of what we're going to do about our caming life.

We've talked about it slightly, but I'm still not sure where we stand on caming through out my pregnancy.

My husband said that as long as I'm comfortable, he's up for it. And I'm not uncomfortable because of the fetus, but I'm not so sure how hot I'm going to feel with a baby belly.

Right now is totally out of the question. My sex drive is completely gone (my poor husband, I'm just starting to grow, though only noticeably enough to make it look like I'm getting pudgy in my stomach area. So, my self esteem body wise is pretty much shot.

However, I'm aware that eventually, in a month or two, I'll actually start to look pregnant. I'm also aware that on several of the sites that I am apart of, pregnancy fetishes are a very big thing. Some of these girls don't even have to do much. They sit back and rub lotion on their bellies and the cash rolls in. I was watching a few shows/clips earlier today.

But we don't really do it for the cash. I mean, the extra money is nice, but we do it because it turns us on. I'm not so sure doing pregnancy fetish videos/show is going to really turn either of us on too much. I could be wrong, but idk.

There's also a few other things to consider. We have a good amount of followers/subscribers/fans. While our blog is easy to keep up with and continue getting followers because we can just post old clips/photos that we haven't previously posted as well as posting submissions and such from other people, we can't do that with live showings, obviously. That's going to be a lot of time off, and we could very easily lose a majority of our followings. At the same time, most of our fetish followers are bondage/rough play interested, since that's often what we did. Our following could take a very sharp turn, and then there's a possibility that once I have the child, am back in shape, they will just leave since I'd no longer be doing pregnancy fetishes anyway.

There's so much to consider. Eh. Maybe I'll open a completely new account some place and just put up a few fetish videos, and that way it won't have any effect on our following now, and I can just link to my main things, in case any new comers are interested, and do updates for my current following to let them know that after all of this is over and I'm back in shape, we'll be back.

sorry. just trying to write everything out, while possibly getting a few views from others about it. (though, in reality, it'll end up being what I'm comfortable with when the time comes. i guess.)