Stream Capture Tool


I've worked in IT for a long time and about 5 years ago I discovered this little issue with Chaturbate that allows you to really easily scrape their website and record streams. I've reported this to them multiple times over the years and got nowhere with it, so I figure it's well past due to make the information super duper public and make a semi-easy to use tool available.

Controversial I know... Models and do-gooders will be upset, and the pervs will rejoice. That's ok. Maybe the models and the do-gooders can force Chaturbate to do a better job at protecting their models where I was unable. The pervs can make use of this until they fix it.

GitHub - cbprawnster/cbsc-maunal: Rough & Dirty Chaturbate Stream Capture with Powershell



Chaturbate appears to have rectified this design flaw after publicly shaming them. The repository will remain available for historical purposes. They have not removed the stream URI's from the public source code, however they have shut down access to them. I'll call that a win for my purposes.