Streamate - Discrpancy with Hours online on the Ranking Report Page


Full Member
Hello. I am new to Streamate; about 5 weeks. Been working hard to get my hours over 90 to get an excellent score on that metric but the numbers started going DOWN last week just as I got to what should have been 96 hours. Now they have no relation to the time I am spending online despite using their formula of counting it by a 30 days average. After multiple contacts to support they finally said they would forward it to the appropriate department. It has been over a week and my hours keep going up but not in relation to my actual time worked then back down;sometimes even in the same day. It has varied between 82 and 88 all week even at different times of the day and this morning is a new low of 81.
I reached back out to Support and they still cannot tell me anything. I confirmed with the Streamate support person Liz that it was being addressed. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this. My big concern is that an inaccurate hour online ranking will make my exposure less. I know I am one of thousands of models but this is beginning to feel quite discouraging. I just wondered if anyone had any similar experience and if anyone knew how much this report metric really affects exposure on the site. My reviews are solid 5 and my internet is average but the best I can get where I live so I am trying to control what I can. Thanks in advance for any feedback.