Streamate: is my star rating preventing more business?


Staff member
Ok so this is like my second time posting a forum about Streamate and its slowness (I think), I have been going on more than ever now on Streamate because I still have hope that I will do better on that site since most cam girls love the site.
But I am still not getting the results like I should. I am usually on for two hours and I get no privates. If I do get privates its one and they are fairly short. I try to engage in conversation, dance, or do anything to keep the energy in the room but I just gave that up because it's seems like its not working.
My star rating is 4. Is that affecting my place on the site's page? I don't know if that is any relation to the lack of privates but I really don't know what else it could be. It's reallys starting to make me doubt myself as a cam girl. Any advice ladies?