Streamate Slow?If I'm being honest, yes, it's been slow.


If I'm being honest, yes, it's been slow. I still hit my goal, but it took me 2 hours longer than normal. What I find is, if I just hang out for the normal amount of time, 4-5 hours, it all evens out in the end.

But when I'm used to my first two hours being super busy, and me making the bulk of my goal by then, I do start to feel anxious that "I won't make it." I do, though, I do.

Today, in particular though, there was this thing that happened 4 times when I went private/exclusive....they would get kicked out after the first minute. One said he didn't have any sound. Luckily, all of them came back to complete the show. The other three didn't say why they "left" about a minute in; but I didn't ask. I just resumed where we left off.
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