Teen mom Farrah is a MV Ambassador?


Sr. Member
I am feeling a little frustrated with MV. My best position on MV was 300 which I think is pretty good. That month I only made about $500. Being that high up out of like 7000 people and not making enough to live on sucks....

Now they are advertising models who have never been on MVs instead of their top 500? Just why? Nothing against Farrah (hustle girl!) Please someone tell me she had an account on MV before this past week and I am just terrible at searching for it.


Sr. Member
Amateurs think they are in the porn business because they are gased up by their loser boyfriends or sites making them feel like thy are the ultimate porn-star. It's all fun and games until the REAL pornstars get online and then the site/site customers forget all about the amateurs. When the real pornstars come online guys go to see them instantly. As they have always desired to meet them since they bought their first porn video. Understand it is the pornstars client FIRST most times, They only see the amateur as a replacement to the real thing until the real thing arrives. ex. A girl using a Jenna Jameson alias will make money until the REAL JENNA comes online. That is also why girls using a pornstar alias usually have short lived careers online. This is also why basing your online career off of porn never works long-term if you are not a real pornstar who is about that life.

MV is porn city. I think them seeking hardcore pornstars is great for them. MV featuring Farrah could be for so many reasons. She likes business ventures so she could very well also be a new owner/investor. These days real porn business requires more than just lying on your back. Not sure why they didn't go for a major sexpot like DreamDoll or someone like that but if they were smart they would be negotiate Farrah into a contract for future sextapes only to be released on MV. This way guys would put money into the site to see more of Farrahs sextapes.

How does it work for you as a MV girl ? Well....If you want to work alongside a pornstar I would imagine one would have to make porn. I don't remember anyone saying they made a crazy amount off of MV ... EVER! When I do hear success stories it's never anything close to $2500.00 and sadly it's always PORN PORN PORN PORN PORN. It's never anything that stimulates a mans mind thoroughly. So in reality I'm thinking, a Woman's body probably takes constant sexual action to be on top of one of MV's top lists permanently or frequently. When one looks on the list, that is what's there. Women men use for porn. Porn stars or amateurs. Aspiring pornstars.

In My opinion. they shouldn't have a top 500. Period. No site should. Placing value on Women by making them compete for positions is the oldest trick in the book of PIMP! That's what these sites turn into as they try to compete with others. Hosts need to remember that Just because a site says your hot this week it doesn't mean you are all the time. Just because you are #1 on a site it doesn't mean you're better than the next Woman or More skilled. Just because a Woman is #1 on a list it doesn't mean girls who are under her aren't living a better quality of life. They might be making more from the same clients off the record and have guys treat them by money orders so they don't have to give up a cut. In conclusion it's about how you are living not what # on a list you are. So forget the list number and worry about what quality of life you are living.

It's not like we couldn't tell MV was all about the hardcore porn life anyways. I could tell easily it wasn't the place for Real serious Mistresses. Or respectful clients. Too much smut life being highlighted.