There was no reply at Livechat

Hi!I have been using LiveChat to contact your colleague, but it has been more than 4 days, and there is still no reply. I felt helpless. You told me the reason for the lockdown was that "a model, previously permanently banned from striptease chat, has now registered with your studio.The studio was also automatically blocked."I know the model you're talking about, I got the idea from her performance on stripchat, she looks mysterious with the mask on, and she's good at performing on Stripchat,I thought I could do a good job, so I copied her and put on a mask and a name similar to her in the performance, but was mistaken for her. I also asked her some questions about acting and got her answers. She helped me set up the lovense toy.It was a big misunderstanding that happened. I wanted to defend myself, but I didn't get a reply for several days.