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What this is/isn’t
This isn’t meant to be a guide on how to be a virtual cam performer. It is a collection of information that might be useful to someone who is interested in doing this. My hope is that by posting this other people will be encouraged to suggest improvements and corrections. Or even be so incensed to make an actual good guide to prove me wrong.Also I’m going to be using the term “Model” to refer to the 2D or 3D digital avatar that the performer uses. This is the standard terminology in digital animation but unfortunately overlaps with the term used for a performer.
You are not going get Projekt Melody Numbers
Lots of people have seen how many viewers and tips Projekt Melody gets and have thought. “I could do that and be as successful as she is”. Melody’s success is a combination of talent, marketing and opportunity that can’t be repeated. She is now a big name by general audience vtuber standards. If you measure your success by comparing yourself to her you are going to end up burnt out.Most lewdtubers get viewership in the 20-200 range. Quite a few lewdtubers have to have other sources of income in addition to NSFW streaming, For example voice acting, motion capture acting, SFW streaming…
Helpful Technical Links
The following are links to useful information about the technical sides of setting up a vtuber avatar. These are primarily designed for general audience vtubers but information also applies to lewdtubers.It is important to keep in mind the following things:
- A technically “better” model doesn’t mean a stream will be better.
- When commissioning a design it is important that your character designer and rigger know what it is going to be used for. This is important for consent and also so they know what to rig.
- Pay your artists. You should not perform for nothing and you shouldn’t expect others to either.
- Make sure you have all the copyrights sorted out on your model.
The Penis problem
“vroid studio” a popular tool for building vtuber avatars doesn’t support penises. If this is an issue you might have to use a different tool.Talk To Your Site
Talk to the site you intend to stream via before you start streaming. Make sure that they know what you intend to do and that you can comply with their requirements.Your Voice
Since your body is hidden behind your model your voice becomes the primary means of connecting you as a person with your audience. In a way you lewdtubing has much in common with voice acting or phone sex operators. Describing to the chat what is happening to you, what you are feeling is a key part of the experience.However even if something sexual isn’t happening to you at this moment you should be avoiding dead air by discussing things that interest you, promoting upcoming streams, dirty talk, making little calls to action to encourage chat participation (eg “I love how my butt looks from this angle do you?”). Getting someone to type “Yes” makes it easier for them to type something more, this gives you stuff to bounce off of and reply to which builds the parasocial relationship you have and encourages tipping.
Health And Safety
In addition to the health and safety risks that are associated with camwork lewdtubing has some additional risks,Since your voice is important and you are going to be doing a lot of talking you need to ensure the health of your vocal cords. There are guides on line for voice actors and singers about warm up exercises, what you should and shouldn’t drink and other considerations to protect your voice. If you do decide to speak using a tone that is not your normal one. Ensure that it is one that doesn’t require you to strain as this can in the long term cause serious damage.
Many VR and motion capture rigs are physically taxing to wear for a long time, especially if you are moving a lot (for example dancing, crawling on the floor etc). Combined with the expectation of a certain amount of energy most lewdtuber performances are around 2 hours long.
Lewdtubing culture draws a lot from general audience vtubing culture and game streamer culture. Watching their performances will help you understand what is expected of you. A fictional persona isn’t required (this is me using a vtuber avatar is perfectly acceptable) but people do enjoy the fantasy. Revealing your real face isn’t as taboo as it is in the general audience Japanese scene but you most likely will wish to indicate what content has your real face if that is something you are sharing because some members find that immersion breaking.Vtuber etiquette discourages members talking about other performers in your chat, unless you mention them first. Having your mods police that especially when it is phrased in the form of a comparison (eg “You are better the X”) is going to help keep your chat nontoxic.
Avoid implying (even if you believe it) that vtubing is less difficult than flesh and blood streaming. Doing so besmirches the skill and effort of your fellow vtubers many of whom will have fans in your audience. You are basically insulting other entertainers and indirectly the people who enjoy them. It’s not something that will end well.
Avoid overlapping if possible. The audience for lewdtubers is small and at this point in time directly competing is going to split both your audiences. That being said their is a benefit to starting a stream just after another vtuber has finished.