Thoughts on girls doing fake cum shows?


Staff member
Ladies, what are your thoughts on making guys pay so and so much for a show..and it just be fake? fake moans, orgasms, ect.... I dont really know how i stand on this but would like to hear some opinons! Some girls i know are so faking by the way they can cum again an d again


Staff member
I don't condone it lol I don't fake my shows, no need to. I keep it real and thanks to my dildo, automatic squirts. Honestly, I only cum when Im actually having sex, so the squirting is a major plus. I don't moan and all that fake bs if Im not in the mood. I only do it when I am in the mood. I understand being a cam model is to fulfill a man's fantasy land, something different that he doesn't get at home or just to satisfy his immediate pleasures. However; faking the funk to get dudes to pay you is bs and not cool. I have talked to ALOT of dudes and even my regs who have caught on to the fake bs and they are not happy about it. But hey to each it's own. If faking the funk just to get money makes them happy, kudos. I just can't live with myself knowing I had to fake a show just to get paid. That ain't worth a da** in my book lol