Threats, fake reviews, scammers, bad cam girls....


I decided to post this thread since I have been harassed and got fake reviews that i then found out were from cam girls.
If you were stalked by a client or cam girl, you can track their ip's on skype and then ask skype to block the account as well as the ip where this person is located.

Last week i was harassed by one cam girl and then got a fake review by another, good thing is that since both told me their location before we had an argument, when i traced them, i knew it were them. I sent skype support a screenshot and the ip of the first one who harassed me and the second one, which posted a bad review for me on a listing site, was caught by her ip being posted along with the review. I then, answered to the post by saying i knew it was her and she quickly took the review down. So girls, if u are being harassed and want to block such losers from contacting u and even get banned from skype, you will need their ips.
here is how: Skype Resolver - ResolveThem
put the id of the person contacting u on skype and this link will give u their ip, make sure to track it when the person is online, to get an accurate location, so keep talking to the pasycho until u get the ip. Then with it, screenshot the conversation and send it to: [email protected]
They are very fast to resolve the issue if you send the screen, so make sure to add it to ur email
they solved my problem is less than 8hs.
ty all and good luck getting rid of these online psychos


where did they make the review? How can we know the IP? if you didn't make a show with that skype user, how can she leave a review?