OK. I don't know if this Swedish fuck found Me on Twitter or CMD but When I went on Skype, there was a message saying that he'd like a Skype show today. I added him and he asked for My CMD profile. I thought it was an odd thing to ask since I was under the impression he had found Me on CMD. With it being My first day, there's not a whole lot there so it wasn't much different from the ad. So I said, you need to state a time if you're getting a show. To which he responded with "I'll consider it." I IMMEDIATELY removed him from My list. I should have blocked his ass just to be certain he won't be able to creep back.
When you remove someone from your contact list, are they still able to reach you? I've read complaints about guys that make appointments and don't show up. Is it at all possible for us to have guys pay some type of fee if they fail to keep their appt?
When you remove someone from your contact list, are they still able to reach you? I've read complaints about guys that make appointments and don't show up. Is it at all possible for us to have guys pay some type of fee if they fail to keep their appt?