Transitioning while camming


Jr. Member
Hey all! I wanted to ask about a topic that's been on my mind for a while.

Has anyone transitioned while working? FTM or MTF?

I assume it's hard to explain why a cam model is suddenly getting top surgery but I'm sure it's possible to keep earning despite going through major body changes.

Looking forward to hearing any experiences you might've had or heard about from other performers!


Jr. Member
hello :)
i don't know if that will help you cause i have almost finish my transition. the only thing i have to do is have my vagina. so actually has a trans woman with vagina, is know that i will not have same viewers than as a trans woman with a vagina. i already know that i will lost viewers when i will have my vagina. so to anticipate that, i focus the cam on my ass and legs (my best part i have to share), to habit my viewers to like other part of my body than my penis. so i know i will not loose to many people cause i dont use the part of y body will change > my penis.
and i also know many "femboy" that cal and then transitioning, and by just staying themself, they dont loose viewers during transitiong.