U.S. unemployment question


Okay I finally am approved for the unemployment that started a few months ago but I had to go through the appeals process. So now as of tonight they added
I am trying to be honest because I know how they are able to easily see everything. Boleynmodels is online if they search it and it is in my bank statement so I have to list them. I want to post it as a 1099 customer service position but wanted to ask for other people's advice on what they posted on their tax returns. I have to decide what to post on it by this Saturday. I don't want them to bother Katy but I can't stop them from doing it or from finding their number online.

A Google search of the payment system aka Boleynmodels that is on my bank statement provides their information so I have to post in my weekly claims what I made that week per the deposit. If I receive the money this week I might tell her to hold off on the deposits. Maybe I could do that.

Thank you