Ugh! Embarrassed by gift certificate issues


Jr. Member
So- I had an issue applying a gift certificate to a cigar order. The company's website wasn't working ( if anyone is curious).
I had them email me at my gmail for KaitlinK ([email protected]), which was attached to the gift certificate, but accidentally included my signature with links to my site etc.

This sucks. I really don't like companies to know my alter-ego, but I sure as hell am NOT going to allow guys to have any real info on me.

I hate having a zillion emails... but really, if their online ordering system had worked, then I wouldn't have had to contact customer service and out myself. I will probably never order from this company again, because this has been such an ordeal and now I am pretty embarrassed.

Anyone had similar issues?


Jr. Member
I forgot about famous smoke... do they still ship Djarums? I must go check now.. I miss those lol. Ive had issues with forgetting about signatures @_@ not yet with cam stuff though but it has caused issues with my metaphysical work heh it's ok most people don't pay attention from my experience anyway and who knows maybe youll get a new client out of the support tech ;)