Those are some very good questions youre asking. Personally as for income,everything thing for me is allocated. There is this theory,or law or understanding, that 10% of your income is disposable aka wasted on stupid shit so I make the most of that, I use 5% and put that in to an account that I dont touch unless its during weeks I either cant work or choose not to. Its like retirement you prepare and you plan ahead for the time when income isnt coming in while it is coming in. There is no protection from not making money because trust, we all would be doing it but there is a shit ton you can do to prepare for the day should it arrive or prevent it from happening in the 1st place.
As far as growing your audience, be consistent,consistency is key. There is always some form of Social media to promote on and there is always content to be made, when income drops that means you have plenty of time to make,edit,promote and sell 15 new videos , 20 picture packets, 2 new clubs,a phone sex line and your monthly raffle has been going on for the last 10 days.
Never be too good to work a slow day,never think youve made so much money you can log of early or not log on at all and if you find yourself bored in your own room with nothing to do it is always your own fault and do you why because people are coming to you to be entertained not the other way around. If youre bored,theyre bored and they take their non boring money with them as they leave.