Valli Studio is a complete Rip off


Sr. Member
A few months ago I signed up at Valli Studio. It is a model studio that works for MFC. I didnt know it was a model studio, I ve found out later.
After one month they didnt pay out, so I sent a mail requesting for my money. I got an email back that my money would be sent soon and that the owner of Valli Studio has been in the hospital. After a week, nomo ney received, so I decied to mail again. The I got an answer telling me that the account manager took all the money from the models, so the money was lost and couldnt been paid out. In my reply on that email, the owner wrote a vmail back that I had to stay working longer for them and that she would pay every month a part of the missing money to me. When I answered her that I coudlnt agree with that and that my confidence in Valli Studio was below level. She worte a very nast mail back that I could go to hell and that she was closing my account. I contacted MFC support, they couldnt do anything about that. Luckely they gave me an account as independant model. So ladies en gents be aware of Valli Studio. The owner works for Valli Studio herself, she publishes on Youtube and she tries to rip off all the models.