What does Integrated Graphics mean ?


good morning everyone , I been carefully looking for a desktop computer for camming. I found one but not so sure about one thing & that is the graphics label on this HP desktop computer says Integrated graphics. can anybody tell me what does integrated graphics mean ? I emailed the seller & just waiting on them to respond also. This right here is the actual desktop that Im looking at.


integrated Graphic means that the main Processor (in your case the I7 4770) do also the graphics work. Normally you have a dedicated Graphic-card with a own graphic-processor.

A "Gamer" would never use the integrated Solution because the 3d-Power is very low. If you are in real Video Editing - you will choose also a Graphic-Card because the card accelerate the rendering of the Frames. You have to wait less to encode your 5 min Clip.

Normal Users don´t need 3D Power neither they are in Video Editing. So the integrated Graphic Solution is fair for them.

Also webcamming don´t needs a dedicated Graphic card. You will be fine with integrated Graphics.

I took a look on the Ebay PC :
Seems ok to me .. it has all what you need .. 8 GB are also sufficent. Seller has 100% - i see nothing bad