what i need help with the most

im looking for help on getting started with streaming on Chaturbate and other platforms, specifically what i should be doing on stream and how i can prepare myself for first time!


Jr. Member
The best advice I can say is just be yourself and only do what you feel comfortable with doing. Create a user name which will end up being how you are known across various platforms. I suggest using geo blocking on all the various sites before you go live for the first time. This way you are able to block your home state or country in case you are concerned about anybody in your real life finding out. No matter which site you broadcast on, check all the various privacy settings and adjust them to whatever makes you feel comfortable before broadcasting. I say this because some sites use third party sites to image your shows and profile to be used for the on search sites like Google. It really comes down to if you want to use the features that will help generate more traffic or keep things more private. Which gets back to my point about settings and things. Speaking of profile I recommend filling out your various details short of anything that would give away where you live in real life. A profile with some basic detail and an introduction is better than having no information at all. Keep all your personal social media separate from your cam career. Instead create social media like Twitter, etc just for your cam model side of life. There is a video about how to earn money with chaturbate on this community site. I suggest watching it, if have not already. Finally ask yourself if this is something you really want to do, because once you broadcast for the first few time there is certain things that can’t be undone that easy. Also ask yourself what your looking to get out of a live webcam performing. Is it just for fun, or are you looking to make a living doing it. Once you figure this out, then you can focus on the long term goal. Sorry for a long reply. With all this said good luck and have fun.


Jr. Member
The first two weeks of Chaturbate are crucial an ur ticket to establishing a solid foundation because Chaturbate promotes new accounts heavy an on the first page for two weeks since signup so cam cam cam like crazy it’ll pay off soon