What kind of men do you meet doing this job?


Hero Member
So, as I think about exactly what I’d like to do on cam as I’m waiting for messages from users and greeting those who enter my room, I started to wonder what kind of guys typically use this service. Because what I choose to do might depend on who I’m trying to cater to, or attract.
Young? Old? Both? Etc...
I know that some guys like to chat. I’ve learned that it’s not always all about the sexual stuff. What kinds of things do most of them like to talk about?
Deep stuff? Video games? Cats (hopefully)?

Of course I know that there are probably tons of different guys who use this service, but, I’d bet some kinds more than others.

So what kind of people do you see the most of through this kind of business?
Which kind are your favorite?
Oh, an which kind pay more?

Hopefully everyone can get some usefulness out of the answers.
Thanks in advance!


Hero Member
I don't think there is any one type of guy, different girls attract different customers. In my personal experience the older guys have more disposable income to spend, so I earn more from them typically. I have a lot of workaholic super busy customers, lots are married, and this is their little self indulgent treat. They are my favorite they don't waste time, and spend lots. I also attract really young guys who are into milf's, where a younger model wouldn't get that crowd. Totally depends on the girl.