What we REALLY look like!


I found out this on another camgirl forum and i had to share!
We all have those days, when you log onto your camsite and EVERY girl on there looks perfect. And you, you feel like you are one hot mess. It's either acne, bloating, puffy eyes, dark circles, too skinny, bad hair, blotchy patches... whatever!

This thread is for us to post our pictures as a reminder that we are NORMAL people. Post a picture when you get up in the morning. Right before you go to bed. Affirm that you love yourself, with all your flaws. Come here when you need a reminder that we all have them!

DO: Smile!

DONT: Pose sexy. Put on make up. Put on a sexy outfit. Brush your hair. Shave. Pinch your cheeks. Photoshop.

And most importantly, respect the fact that this is models only and that stripping down to the bare essentials of what makes us ... us.. takes bravery! Positive feedback ONLY and these pictures are for OUR EYES ONLY!!! Here's mine!