What will you not do on cam or in your videos?


Hi ladies & gents - many of you know Me already, and know that I host an industry-friendly podcast. Those who don't know, well heck, now you do
I mention this because I have an upcoming episode for which I would love your input. In speaking with My cohost and some sexworker friends, the topic of personal (non-pro) sexual frustration came up, and has multiple times before.
I would like to convene a panel of about 5 people to interview and deliberate on our personal sexual frustration for an episode of the podcast. So far, soft topics include how sexwork affects masturbation, arousal and libido. How satisfied are we sexually? Do we find irony in the situation that we make people cum for a living, but are often in a state of wanting, when it comes to our own sex lives?
At this point I have 3 people confirmed (MamaRedHot, Dahlia and Myself - duh), and I'd welcome the opportunity to have 2 or 3 more of you join in.
- This will be done on Skype, so a high quality headset w/mic is important.
- The episodes run anywhere from 45mins to 2hours long - really depends on the topic.
- All participants will have their primary sexwork platform promoted everywhere My podcast is hosted/listed.
- We do a one-take show, so you must be able to set aside the time for the show with no interruptions.

It's a fun experience and I think an excellent opportunity to brainstorm theories, solutions and points of view. I will not be able to accommodate everyone who volunteers just because this is an aduio podcast and too many voices can become incoherent.

Inbox Me here or reply to this message if you're interested!