Why it CAN be bad for business to PM


I think most models don't realize how PM-ing affects their room vibe and desirability.

When I enter a room and see someone typing in a pm while they are on cam it's a huge turn off. One of the worst things you can do is ignore the room. Answering PM's on mic is exactly the same thing - it's rude- and makes people feel left out.

I realize this may not apply to everyone. Just an observation I wanted to share.

I know it's common to PM while on cam - - but I think this is one area where most cam girls fail. I don't think models even know its a pet peeve for potential customers. Sure many ladies are able to multitask- but most don't do it well.

My room rules regarding this issue:
I have a NO PM rule when I'm on cam. I make limited exceptions. I gently PM my monthly top 5 tippers- mostly BEFORE I go on cam. I say hi when I see them online and tell them I'm going on cam, It makes them feel special.

I learned quickly in this business that PM'ing the masses only drains my energy. I only give private attention to clients who value my time.

I spend time in the room when I'm on cam. Not in PM. People who are choosing MY room instead of the hundreds of other ladies online deserve an alert cam model.

I have built my clientele by being alert in the room. That way everyone is getting to know me. I engage my room, I constantly strive to treat everyone well.