Wishlist that will NOT reveal your address


A while ago someone sent me a gift from my Amazon wish list. After 3 weeks it had not arrived, so he investigated. He then came back and told me my address! He got it from Amazon! Is there any wish list that will certainly not reveal your address? I have a regular that keeps asking me to send him a link to my wish list, I will not use Amazon again. Thanks in advance -


There are some products that are not selled from amazon directly but from third party sellers. In your setting you need to uncheck to share your adress with them. They may reveal it to the buyer as it probably happened to you. In my wish list for example the only thing they see is the name , city, country. I have my name set up just like Aria C. So they won t even know my family name. I receive the packages normally. Just go and set that up and if it s something that they can t buy from your wishlist that s probably the reason .