Working multiple sites


Jr. Member
Hi, I have read posts here, asked questions a while back, experimented with software and still feel confused on split cam / working multiple sites.

I want to stream on two sites at the same time, not split them from few hours on one and few hours on another etc.

For the people who use different computers and webcams, I presume that you are not using software but simply logging into the site on each computer as normal? Am I wrong?

Any help is appreciated. Whilst I feel I have got one site at one time down, I can not figure out the best method for me to work two.



Jr. Member
you need splitcam software (like splitcam/ManyCam/etc) because a windows computer can assign the image of your webcam only to one streamingsoftware simultaneously.

So if you stream on Camsite A and start the software for Camsite B, B says the cam is already in use.

Splicamsoftware takes you cam and multiply the camoutputs - in that way all camsite-software can access your feed via the splitcam-output.

If you want to splitcam to more as 2 sites your PC need to be potent.

To splitcam - take a splitter and setup your cam - then start the first camsite software and for the camsetup search for the Cam that has the name of the splitter - you see your webcamfeed. Then start camsite software 2 and again setup with the splittercam.

there are also other ways - like

two USBwebcams attached to your pc (can be hard to impossible to setup)
2+ capturecards and a pro Cam attached through a splitter (expensive)
2 PC´s and 2 Cams

but when talking "splitcamming" it means using a Webcamsplitter that allows you to use more then one software accessing the one webcam attached to your PC.
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