Workout at home - or join a gym - cam girl lfestyle


Sr. Member
Now Camming and working from home full-time does make the daily routine a little out of the norm. I've been thinking if I should join a gym or buy some workout dvds and some weights. I am wondering for those who do cam and workout which one did you choose and also how do you fit it in your schedule.


Sr. Member
I am not the sportive type and I hate working out. I had a lot of workout dvds over the time and never really used them.

I have Dance Central on Xbox and I highly recommend it for fun and probably work out too. There is also Zumba for xbox and it's just so much more entertaining than a DVD.

Maybe not what you are looking for...the other thing I like is Kundalini Yoga. There are a lot of DVDs out there. I.e. by Ana Bret


Sr. Member
I cam mostly due to the fact that I have a pole at home. I got the pole then a few months later discovered camming and they went together beautifully.

However. Pole dancing on cam made me stick to routines and moves I already knew really well. I stopped discovering or trying for newer more gymnastic holds and transitions, because I'm being watched.....and because all of this makes me sweat and I'm trying to get work, so getting my hair and makeup all crazy isn't good for that.

So, I did join a gym. A place where I can go and not think about what I look like. It's a pole dancing gym which focuses on seduction and more stripper like movement (rather than competition pole dancing). They also offer chair classes and other stripper-aerobics. I fucking love my gym! All female only and it's a safe space for me to work on my routines that I later bring to camming.

From poling alone I've lost 40 pounds since starting (but I also think camming has helped with that too). It's great for strength training, core, endurance, cardio, etc.