youkandy please vote for me !


Full Member
I noticed that there was on old topic off 2015 about the youkandy votes, so I'm making a new one, because things have changed since then on youkandy.

Nowadays u can win votes bye voting, but also when u come online on youkandy and put your cam 'available for cam' , u get extra votes. Eacht time a customer comes private, u also get votes. A twitter vote also (correct me if I'm wrong @youkandy Smiley :D )

I'm 44 and struggling to get customers there, but even me I believe i can get to top 10 with a little help from u guys ! (I'm at position 30-40, it changes, wich is actually not bad !)

So please, please, please vote for me :

And off course I will vote back for u, give me a shout if somehow I forgot !

thanks !