Your Best advice on Male Content for Sale.


Sr. Member
So i am one of those people that lives vicariously through others often and i have to admit im a lil jealous. I used to help a fellow cammodel out alot on their content for sale and it was probably the most fun ive had taking this trade to the vast lands beyond our WiFi. Now that ive moved back home i have been secretly trying to film and record my sexytime stuffs like they would. kind of embarassed to ask but, to those of you who either closet or openly watch male content or camguys, could you pleaseee help me out in teling me what is attractive and what is stimulating? I know weve only got so much to work off of but, is it all sexual for you? (this applies to any persons attracted to male content btw!) WOuld you guys want to see a little into my personal life? like could i make a sexy vlog of a day in the life once a month or so? with clips of my super (kinda) longboarding moves? followed up by a shower, or maybe a workout session? then sexy time followed by a serenade from my guitar then cuddle pillow talk? please help meeee. I would really ppreciate any and all advice from you guys because i would like to be taken seriously aswell when i offer my customers content for sale. thanks again