your set up


so we are all trying to make the best out of what we can use or have to make a good set up.. so what does your set up consit of? here is mine.. i have a sony evi d30 with remote, one large light on my left and two large lights on my right and an overhead light to highlightmy hair.. im set up in my bedroom so of course i use my bed.. and my cam and comp are hooked up to my tv in my bedroom so i dont have to look at a small comp screen while performing.. anyway i was just wondering.


Hero Member
This is a good topic, it's interesting finding out where, how and what you use to cam. I live in a small apartment so have limited room. Usually I'm just in my living room, where I have to make a space every time I want to go on cam, although I do occasionally use my bedroom. Lighting is an issue and is better in my living room than bedroom so it was interesting to hear about the different lighting you all use. All I have on both rooms are overhead ceiling light and 2 normal table lamps. The cam I bought on ebay is just a cheap no name one but does okay for now and that also has little lights on it which help lighting a little (not a lot) lol. I do intend to get a better cam and now may start looking at lighting...