Chaturbate and ManyCams


Sr. Member
I was going to stream for about 3 hours this morning. I wanted to set up a stream where I was playing a video game on my computer, and the viewers could see both me and the input from my desk top. However, I couldn't figure out how to do this.

When I first started on Chaturbate I had ManyCams installed. But ManyCams overpowers Chaturbate's flash software to insist on being the only camera input. And since ManyCams lowers the quality of my webcam I unillstalled it.

However, since I do know ManyCams lets you both water mark your stream as well as do the set up I had in mind, I put it back on my computer this morning.

The problem now is that I can't get it to interact with Chaturbate at all. How do you do this? Help!


Sr. Member
i'm not sure what you mean by "can't get it to interract". to use the video from manycam on cb you simply do that, select manycam as video source instead of your regular cam. it doesn't work when you do that? what happens?