Chaturbate micsim030690


hello this is my profile chaturbate:

Watch Micsim030690 live on Chaturbate!

i want know opinions / reviews on chaturbate? because I would like to put you back on chaturbate since I can no longer on cam4 !!! is not as good as years ago? when I was there it was very good in 2016/2017 for 2 years never problem and i want disactivate
Appear on network sites as option on chaturbate for not record me very much
but it's much site don't use from 2018 chaturbate it's not good as months/years ago? or it's same? because i see many reviews negative example on trustpilot many people banned for no reason and without being paid and i think if broadcast or not please ty okok byebye


Jr. Member
i want know reviews on Chaturbate? because I would like to put you back on Chaturbate since I can no longer on Cam4 ! is not as good as years ago? when I was there it was very good in 2017 for 2 years never problem and i want disactivate
Appear on network sites as option on Chaturbate for not record me very much
but it's much site don't use from 2018 Chaturbate it's not good as years ago? or it's same? because i see many reviews negative example on trustpilot many people banned for no reason and without being paid and i think if broadcast or not please ty okok byebye