About to rip my hair out!


Sr. Member
I don't even know what to say to this guy. When I first started, I created a password protected Tumblr, in total I had 1 guy...1 guy! pay me $5 for access to it. Not knowing the worth of what I was offering at the time, I came to my senses a few months back and realized he was getting unrestricted content for $5 he paid for well over a year ago. So I changed the password. Now he relentlessly bothers me for the new password. I don't know even how to tell him that, he had his fair amount of time with my tumblr for $5. He's a total freeloader so of course he thinks, he paid for it, he's entitled to it, because I had no specification that it was a subscription. I think he's had enough of me for what he paid, well more than enough of me, but I know he won't understand. What the hell do I tell this guy without blowing up at him, what can I say that sounds 100% reasonable on my end if he tries to dispute it. He's driving me crazy, I'm ready to rip my hair out. I'm sick of this guy, I'm going to put him on the wall of shame because I don't want anyone else stuck with this mooching dog. He's been around me since I started almost 2 years ago and just gets more annoying by the day. The worst part is I know he doesn't think he's doing anything wrong.

Please Ladies Give Me Advice, My Sanity Is At Stake!


Sr. Member
Unfortunately we all learn lessons the hard way!
I would not try to reason w this dude, that will drive u nuts. U shut him off