Age-player vs. pedophile - Is there a difference?


Sr. Member
I'm starting this thread because Rachelle's thread about the pedo on ELM led me to wonder is there a difference between an age-player and a pedophile.

I think there can be a fine line (very fine sometimes) between age play and outright pedophilia but I would like to hear the opinions and experiences of others on this topic.

There are many fetishes out there (school uniforms, diaper, ABs, daddy/daughter etc) that are tied to age regression or pretending to be younger. I don't necessarily condemn everyone who is into these kinds of things or roleplay. I think there are plenty of adults who aren't pedophiles who enjoy these kinds of kinks. At the same time, it's rather naive to think that 100% of that community consists of people who aren't fantasizing about minors. How does one draw the line, or is there a line at all?

I like dressing up in pigtails and portraying a naughty schoolgirl. I have gotten off in my personal life doing daddy/daughter scenes within the context of BDSM (being a brat, getting spanked, sucking on lollipops, etc.). Because I know that I have enjoyed some of these kinds of play and I know my own mind and my own heart and that my fantasies don't include kids, I am more open to certain requests. PROVIDED that they do not include very detailed account stating ages of minor children or certain words like "molest" "rape" etc. I am very careful when I consider the requests and try to use good judgment, but at times I have also struggled with defining what makes one person appear to be kinky and another appear to be a pedo when there is a huge grey area.

It's a very fine line, in my opinion. Something that I spend a lot of time thinking about when I receive a request. I mean, if the guy is asking for something involving a stated underage or obvious pedo theme, then ya- hell ya report them.

I know this might be a controversial topic but I would honestly like to hear what yall think