Hero Member
I have not made a new post on here in a long time so please forgive me if its in the wrong category or anything! I recently bought a 6 foot extension cable to use with my webcam and it was great since i could put my webcam on the head board of my bed instead of trying to bend over backwards and trying to still see the computer screen but was wondering if using this cable extension would effect the quality of my stream? Nobody really said anything and on SM all my stats were excellent but i swear, once i stopped using it (only used it a few days) my business picked up lol could of been a coincident but who knows lol I do pull my stream up on a different browser and a different device to check it myself and it always seems fine to me but im not expert of what a more perfect stream should look like , i would really love to keep using this extension cable as it saves my poor neck from always trying to stretch around to see the screen! And guys seemed to really like me putting the cam in all different angles around the room lol altho is a bit of extra work for me lol