Best time to get on streamate


Sr. Member
When you're in the mood the best is the best time. Then you can explore and play around it. The mood factor is often bigger than the traffic factor.


Staff member
There is not a best time, best hour, best day. But if you go online at same hour everytime you maximise your potential to earn. Ask for tags, good reviews, 5 stars. Tags can bring more people in your room. But I noticed that if i do something else on PC or if I check my phone during streaming is not good. So you must pay attention to members. Streamate has great traffic. But that it's not enough to earn a lot. You need to work at least 40 h per week to get more visibility. Don't be scared if they come in your room and go out fast, this is their habit. Most of members are polite and respectful and platform is very friendly to work on it. I need to mention : support is excellent! I am very happy on Streamate.