

Sr. Member
First off why do we blog? Blogging is a way to connect with people without having to spend extended time on ONE person. We all know time wasters are our biggest hurdle. Also, we know that on average it takes SEVEN connections with a consumer before they buy. We want those to be POSITIVE interactions. Blogging is a tool that gives us that. We also know that search engines are not friendly to adult topics however we still have organic searches. Organic searches simple means that articles get ranked by how many times they are shared and viewed. So the more attention an article (not blog but a single page on a blog) gets viewed that page ranks higher. Writing articles that fit the criteria of what is expected is how we get each page of our blog ranked higher. The more times that article is shared, commented on and viewed the more attention we get on that subject. This is why we cross blog. If you have ONE article that you have ten other people sharing and talking about on their blog that helps your ranking tremendously. The more followers of your blog you have the more times your things are viewed. The more times you share it get reshared on social media this also helps. We can also refer from one post in our blog to another post. For example I write an article about pantyhose and I refer with a link back to an article I wrote about the difference between 100% nylon and nylon mixed pantyhose. I have just created a hit to that last article. The rules of blogging are pretty simple but always hitting them can get difficult. First off you need to post around three times a week with good solid articles. A good solid article has at least 300 words in it, graphics of some kind, a few key words that are used more than once and generally an outside reference link. There are tons of plugins on wordpress that can help you write a solid article. On top of those articles we want TONS of free stuff. How to articles/videos, free teasers, free pictures, interviews with other models, etc. The days of "my customers" have been long gone. The tighter you try to hold onto them the less of them you will have.

What to write about?
Always start with where you are what are your guys asking for in shows?
What kind of movies have you made?
Most of us have enough subjects that we can write a year without even trying to hard. If you have clips4sale they have a long list of possible things to write about.
At first you will struggle to hit 300 words this is normal just keep pushing it will get easier the more you do it. I can now write an article in about 15 mins.
At first it will feel like no one is reading your stuff dont worry about it as long as you are consistent with it the readers will show up. I try and prewrite articles if I can just because I do so much writing for other people that my blogs sometimes get pushed way back.

Like anything we start it seems overwhelming at first but it is easy to learn and not hard to do.