Booking Form For Indi Websites


Inspired by AdultWork & our very own CGC booking system; I thought, wouldn't it be nice if we could have this option on our own indi sites?

So I did some snooping and I came about Form2Go. Home - Form 2 Pay

Okay, can I say this was pretty much everything I was looking for! The Free Plan gives you basically everything you need without the bells & whistles, to have a functional request form. Not only that but you can make forms for all sorts of things, raffles, custom content, etc..

You can embed your form right onto your site or provide a link to it instead. I think this could be a pretty useful tool for indi sites and forcing custies to fill out the form has the potential, in my opinion, to cut down on time-wasters.


This is a great has it been working on your site so far?
I would like to try something along these lines, but my fans are a lil on the lazy side...hell...I have to remind them to put their shows in my calendar in advance to make sure I'm online...smh!! Let me know what kinda feedback you've gotten thus far