Business Plan for Cam Modeling


Jr. Member
I don't know about everyone else but Santa brought me a nasty cold for Christmas so i went into the new year sick. It was not how i wanted to approach this coming year in regards to my business, but hey i put on my big girl panties and went to I decided this year for my cam business to work on a business plan and a mission statement, i know it will make a huge difference in my income. I see so many posts here that lead me to believe so many do not realize that Cam Modeling #1 is not as easy as we think when we sign up, but also so importantly it really needs to be viewed as a business in order for the Model to succeed. While i may not have the label of "top Model" on my site, i make enough money to support my family , to have a savings, and to travel a little. What i have learned the past 2 years in this business i decided to organize and really use to my benefit this year. I really feel deep in my bones that 2014 is going to be an incredible year for me! And so i have a plan and will work the plan!! I am wondering if anyone else has done a business plan for this year, and if any one would be interesting in sharing business minded ideas. I will gladly pay it forward and share mine with any that need help. Just friend me pm me and we will talk... Happy Monday and Happy 2021 to everyone!!


Jr. Member
I've put some time and thought into this, and started at the beginning of December, when I looked hard at where most of my income has come from, how much I like it, and the potential for growth.

Based on those things, I decided to totally quit one business that I had invested a lot of time in... and to de-emphasize to a "hobby" level my other business.
For my mainstream work, this left tech work. I really like webdesign and doing freelance tech stuff. I finally have the business part of that down and it's a skill that's moderately in demand (and should continue to be), which I can continue to learn and grow in, and which has a livable income potential.

Anyway, mostly stopping my other 2 businesses ended up freeing up my afternoons, and is allowing me to realistically focus on diversifying beyond the fur fetish.

I really do like having a foot in the adult industry, especially the more into the stuffy corporate freelancing I get!

I did a test run before Christmas, which gave me some confidence and helped me set some realistic expectations.

My biggest challenge is getting on cam for 2+ hours a day. It's like exercise- I really like it AFTER I've started, but I can think of a zillion reasons not to just do it. To that end, I have been baby stepping with small goals.

My current "baby" goal for January is to login once a day, 4 days a week, even if it's just for 20 or 30 minutes. My next goal is to log in for 8 hours a week or make 100/week. My goal after that (by the end of April), to make 200/week.

I have realized that, although my fur fetish fans are the funnest and I have stayed in touch with some of them for 10 years or more... that it's not the most profitable niche. Coming to grips with the hard reality of customer habits and psychology can be depressing. These guys wank off to catalogs and fashion spreads, and as awesome as they are as people, they aren't big spenders (tending to save their money to buy themselves a lynx coat or another mink).

So, I am quietly diversifying. I've built a new site on a new CMS, and have my camming stuff all under kaitlinkcams. I have absolutely no interest in modeling for most photographers or creating hardcore content. I'm inventing my image/brand as KaitlinK and still figuring out who that is within my comfort level... thinking some kind of sensual camgirl goddess vibe?

Now that I have more time, and since I already have the high end photography equipment and 100s of old clothes... I think I'd like to produce some higher quality content, the kind that never sold as Fur Fetish, but which I enjoy watching and creating the most.

At least I have a business plan for the camming.Sorry for the ramble .