I was going to stream for about 3 hours this morning. I wanted to set up a stream where I was playing a video game on my computer, and the viewers could see both me and the input from my desk top. However, I couldn't figure out how to do this.
When I first started on Chaturbate I had ManyCams installed. But ManyCams overpowers Chaturbate's flash software to insist on being the only camera input. And since ManyCams lowers the quality of my webcam I unillstalled it.
However, since I do know ManyCams lets you both water mark your stream as well as do the set up I had in mind, I put it back on my computer this morning.
The problem now is that I can't get it to interact with Chaturbate at all. How do you do this? Help!
When I first started on Chaturbate I had ManyCams installed. But ManyCams overpowers Chaturbate's flash software to insist on being the only camera input. And since ManyCams lowers the quality of my webcam I unillstalled it.
However, since I do know ManyCams lets you both water mark your stream as well as do the set up I had in mind, I put it back on my computer this morning.
The problem now is that I can't get it to interact with Chaturbate at all. How do you do this? Help!