From the very beginning I'd like to say thank you to all of you - I got loads of great tips from you how to start off, which cam I should choose, advice about how my room should look like etc - summing up thanks to you I started making money that helped me out in the situation I found myself in and it is a lot easier for me to live on now.
The thing is - when I am on CB my room is not that crowded as I would like to. So far I had like 50-60 viewers all the time (anyway I have really nice regulars and I should not complain;p). I have tried to check out rooms of other girls, to be honest I am doing the same things, cam is set the same way, I talk to guys, sometimes type, depends. And of cours read everything on forum here.
Still - it is not 600-700 users. Is it really because I have been camming for 2 months so far and I should just wait because I need more guys who know me? Or It is possible to do some advertising with Chaturbate for tokens, but I don't know it? Tbh would be willing even to pay if I know it pays back in tips from new guys anyway.
To be honest, so far CB is the best site for me, can barely make anything on SM - got those 100USD I needed to withdraw n stopped for now cause it was a struggle for meSmiley
P.s. Merry Christmas!
The thing is - when I am on CB my room is not that crowded as I would like to. So far I had like 50-60 viewers all the time (anyway I have really nice regulars and I should not complain;p). I have tried to check out rooms of other girls, to be honest I am doing the same things, cam is set the same way, I talk to guys, sometimes type, depends. And of cours read everything on forum here.
Still - it is not 600-700 users. Is it really because I have been camming for 2 months so far and I should just wait because I need more guys who know me? Or It is possible to do some advertising with Chaturbate for tokens, but I don't know it? Tbh would be willing even to pay if I know it pays back in tips from new guys anyway.
To be honest, so far CB is the best site for me, can barely make anything on SM - got those 100USD I needed to withdraw n stopped for now cause it was a struggle for meSmiley
P.s. Merry Christmas!