chaturbate vs webcam studios?


Hello dear Chaturbate support and team! The Russian community of studio owners welcomes you.

Recently, we have noticed more and more often that the internal passports of our citizens who have turned 18 years old do not pass registration and are most often rejected. According to our laws, a passport is issued valid from the age of 14. But at the same time, the date of birth is indicated directly in the passport and according to the Chaturbate regulations - this is a valid document.

At the moment, it is already difficult for us to develop business in Russia, because there are objective reasons on the part of the state. If you can respond to our request and clearly explain to us the reason why these passports are rejected, we will be very grateful.

There is no mandatory document in our country - like a foreign passport. And most girls and boys are 18,19,29 years old - there is no other document than the internal passport of the Russian Federation.

This is a collective letter sent to you on behalf of more than 50 studio owners and their models, thank you for your attention and we are waiting for changes or clarifications, thank you!

Personally, I am a representative of the largest webcam studio in the cis. What should we do? We try to register models using different documents (driver's license / foreign passport / internal passport) It often happens that a model is blocked during its operation. What should we do?


I have had models rejected using Colombian national ID, they told me that they needed a drivers license or Passport to verify the model was over 18 (the date of birth is on the ID I submitted). I have also also known models banned for no reason who were using other national IDs. There is no consistency in what they will reject or what they will accept.