Choosing or Changing your performance name.


Sr. Member
A little advice on choosing a performance name

When choosing a performance name to host with one must take time to make sure the name fits. Time and time again I have seen hosts create persona's that do not fit their personalities and then become stressed out trying to live up to them.. "I'm Dominant" Yet in a video your calling members "baby". "I'm a model" Well maybe on a cam site but in real life you need an agent for this to happen. Remember you will always be you no matter what. So even though you would like to show off your alter ego or explore another side it's best your sure your portrayal will fit your performance name and your true persona. If not you might slip up and not even know it.

The point is to feature yourself. If your a writer use that ability to write something attractive enough for viewers. If you've been told your strict by your friends in real life then take a look down the dominant route. If your not happy in a leadership role in groups then explore your wild side and host under the terms "cam girl". This way we all get clients we are willing to perform for. That's how you make money. By featuring your best attributes. Don't try to create something believable. Be yourself. Create yourself. There is only one you and that can not be duplicated.

Your a performer. So you have to do proper branding and that doesn't work by using another performance name you have already seen online. Why? When you host with another persons chat description, taglines or performance name your only going to make half of what you could have made with your own. Members who know that performance name will always associate the original host with that name. Even if they find you first. They will be drawn to the other identity with that name just the same and when they find out through archives that they have been hosting with it longer than you they will find a way to embarrassingly bring it up or they will quietly disappear.

That is the karma of not being creative. You end up working to build another's brand. Sure you might get a few viewer's but you wont know what they expect associated with that performance name. They might like it slow or rough but you won't really know because it's not your name. It's not you. One risks themselves in taking such measures in many ways.

For instance. The name your borrowing might have more content associated than your willing to provide. Making you look like a lesser version of that name. Let's not forget imitation is the biggest form of flattery but it's also the biggest sign of crazed fan and we do this to get fans. Not be them. You will not only be attracting all some fans of the name your borrowing you will also be attracting everything associated to that name including all prior online stalkers that person might have been avoiding for various reasons. So please be very careful.

Also if the performer's name your hosting with has a figure or attitude that is hard to imitate than you won't have as many dedicated viewers as the main performer has that you are copying. While they are sitting back relaxing you will be working over time trying to live up to their standards instead of your own.

In business terms you are called the "Cheater brand". Yes. That name does have a nasty ring to it doesn't' it? (CHEATER BRAND. Defined as a brand that rides the coattails of a more well known brand, by either blatantly stealing product ideas or doing things too similar to be a coincidence.) No body likes a cheaters. Cheaters never really win. This is why it's important to do research and make sure your not using another performer's name to host with. Your intention should always be to come first. Not second.

Try to keep it real. Even if the person does work on another site. Google tells all. What goes on in the dark always comes to light!
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