Custom Pic/Vid Pricing ...


Jr. Member
How did you all come to a price when it came to selling custom pic and videos? Did you have a base price and then add on whatever is tailored to the requests? I'm asking because I'm getting requests for custom pics and vid and I don't know what a good starter price is. I don't want to say something to crazy and lose a potential customer.


Industry standard for custom videos is $10 per minute so I start with that as a base price and go up from there. I resell all videos across all my network sites unless they pay an exclusivity fee of $300 - then it is for their eyes only. I also require prepayment in full.

Any outfit I do not own or special audio or visual effects is extra and I have a miminum of 5 mins. I've found it isn't worth dealing with picky customs customers for any less than that.