Custom video issue


Full Member
I need to send a video I recorded on my netbook to a customer who loves me to make custom videos for him. Previously, I had a friend record with his camera and he made a DVD that I mailed out. Now, my friend has gone away to war and I had to record on my built in camera. Problem is, the video is too big to send through email (about 7.4 gb) and since I've used my netbook, I have no DVD drive to copy onto DVD. Have you encountered this issue? How did you handle it?


Full Member
Do you have an external hard drive or a memory stick that you can use to transfer it to a computer with a DVD drive? Alternatively, sign up for mediafire/yousendit etc. x

Alternatively reformatt it using Windows Live Movie Maker/Freemake Video converter to make it small enough to send by email? And perhaps tell him you'll send him the full size version in X days.