Decline of Cam4

Anyone else upset at the decline of Cam4? it feels like all their best models have left the site for Chaturbate. I don't mind Chaturbate but I've always found Cam4 to be a much more pleasant site and I prefer Cam4's layout. Cam4 viewers are so low compared to Chaturbate, its crazy this has happened, I can remember when Chaturbate was the one no visited.

How times change.


Full Member
Certain personalities ruined Cam4, silly mod wars and childish point scoring just made all the better models leave. Look at the whole situation of Twohotguys and all the shit what used to go down in their room. I do think its really sad, it was a great site once. It needs much better management to survive and Kim needs to take advice from ordinary members of the site, not the same crowd who visit her room each time she does a Q&A. Her feedback is coming from the wrong people.

Anyone here in the States? SNL did a funny skit of Chaturbate last weekend. That's a coup for Chaturbate to be parodied that way but a bummer for Cam4. Once SNL makes fun of you then you have made it to the big time